Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Who am I?

His Majesty the King was going from shop-to-shop during the night of October 15 in Bumthang. HM went to a small shop and asked the shopkeeper if her business was doing well. She thought he was a trade officer and deep inside she thought he was such a handsome trad officer. She answered and when HM poured more question she said she did not have time to answer him.
HM looked around and saw a picture of Indian PM Manmohan and himself in her shop. HM pointed at the picture and asked the shopkeeper who then men in the picture were. she looked up and said its Mamohod Singh, he then asked her who ther other man was. She coolly said Drugyel Drukpa. HM then asked her is the man in the picture and he looked similar. The shopkeeper than looked at him properly and bowed her head. She was so scared and thought HM might have felt offended but HM gave her a sera of Nu 1500.

1 comment:

  1. Aaai, touching...she must be really scared and embarrased. So now she knows who he really is.

    Striking, TanDee!
